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If only there was a way for this iPhone app to tell that it’s running on an iPhone. Guess technology just isn’t there yet.1

Luckily I love manually filling in required fields to then receive nothing but automated holding responses for two weeks.

  1. PLOT TWIST, they actually also automatically collect the information. I can see it in the ticket portal. ↩︎

It’s bad enough to lock decades old content behind a paywall all of a sudden, but spamming me about it with a dozen of these useless filler “episodes” in your feed really is the icing on the cake. Get the heck out of my podcast client with your damn audio show1. *insert abe-simpson-cloud.jpg*

But I must admit that I found some comedic value in the fact that one of all these 20s long ads for their subscription service was actually 50 seconds long – because it had a normal 30 second ad “before the episode”.

  1. It’s not a podcast if there’s no choice of client↩︎

I know complaining about Siri is getting old but sometimes I’m just wondering how this is even possible. This doesn’t look like “I didn’t understand” behavior but rather “I checked the permission boolean and decided to ignore what I saw” behavior.

Asking it again—of course—works perfectly fine. I’m sure AI will fix that…if we’ll ever be able to test it in the EU.

Could the contrast be any lower? The “+” icon is unfortunately also positioned in a way that swiping away the control center makes it very easy to trigger by accident.

The undesired behavior where iOS positions the cursor in the “To” field of a message when sharing an image with a specific contact via the iOS share sheet is now happening even more frequently. Approximately 9 out of 10 times in iOS 18.

It’s almost three entire seconds between me tapping the Reply menu item and the UI actually entering “reply mode”. I know this isn’t normal because sometimes it does respond quickly.

However, the overwhelming majority of times it takes this long, or even worse – I’d say more often than not it is upwards of five seconds. There’s no pattern as far as I can tell: It’s not limited to specific conversations, or only when replying to very old messages…

It’s not even limited to iOS – both on an Intel Mac and a M1 Mac I have the same issue in the Messages app. It has been like this since at least iOS 15 – I distinctly remember hoping that a more powerful phone might resolve this when I decided to upgrade to an iPhone 14 Pro (which shipped with iOS 16).

Rare AT post with audio, thanks Siri! Personally I thought that Despicable Me 4 inches was almost a return to form after the rather disappointing Despicable Me 3 centimeters.

Movie reviews aside I’d love know why it ignores the opening quotation marks in "Despicable Me 4". What does this algorithm look like? Is it even using the same title that’s displayed, or is there metadata specifically for voice assistants and it might simply be incorrect there?

I can’t tell when exactly this started – initially I thought this is just a temporary fluke, maybe even just my network acting up – but it’s been more than two months now since the #images iMessage extension/app(?) stopped working for me. You have to look pretty closely, but there’s actually an endless spinner in the middle of the screenshot.

It’s not an issue with my region, otherwise it wouldn’t show up at all.1 I used a couple of different internet connections and networking setups, no difference.2 It’s been the case since before 17.5, so there was at least a couple of reboots that didn’t get this unstuck either. I guess I’ll stick with GIFwrapped, which is the better app anyway.

  1. A few years ago I was traveling to Austria (I live right on the border, just a quick day trip) which at the time didn’t have #images yet. It really just yeets the feature away within an hour or so of crossing the border. I wonder what part of the DMA forced them to do that… oh wait, that was before the DMA↩︎

  2. Philipp and I have an inside joke going where we always blame things like this on our nerdy networking setups, mainly me using Pi-hole and him using NextDNS↩︎

Truly the masters of cross-platform excellence!

For several months now I have been greeted by this error at every other-ish time I boot up my Windows PC. It doesn’t seem to actually affect anything (or fix itself?), there is no issues using 1Password even when ignoring it.
I reported it a couple of times, but there’s no indication where that goes to exactly or what that report contains.

Siri Suggestions for calendar items based on emails or apps are pretty neat. I just don’t understand this mess, though:

  • Blue is my personal calendar, yellow the suggestions. For all four flights my Mac showed a suggestion that was 100% identical to existing items on my calendar.
  • These items came from accepting the Siri Suggestions on my phone several days before taking this screenshot. I waited to see if this was just a delay in some sync.

Why does it not realize that these are exact duplicates? Why do I even get Found in Apps suggestions on macOS? The app in question here only exists on my phone: I don’t have the Lufthansa app on macOS, I’m pretty sure they don’t even have a Mac app. So the suggestions are synced across platforms – but shouldn’t that make it even easier more possible to detect that I have already accepted them?